Our protagonist was played by Laurie Taylor who is 20 years old. He suits the role of our protagonist because he is tall, making him appear intimidating and capable of surviving in the brutal world that our thriller takes place in. He also has quite rugged looks, suggesting the cruelness of society and the hardships it makes people suffer through. As well as this, he is old enough to fit the age of our character, making our thriller more believable whilst also making it evident he's old enough to have a past. Laurie is also capable of exhibiting the emotions involved within the character.
Our femme character, although not featuring a lot in our opening, was important when considering physical aspects such as height. We decided on Caitlin Mapes, a college student who was formerly a drama student, and has had experience with playing other female flirtatious characters such as Audrey in a Little Shop of Horrors stage production.
Our assailants were portrayed by Lucy Hiscox and Thomas Keeble, seeing as these characters have very little dialogue it was important for them to have the right physical traits. Lucy has a slim, athletic build therefore making her capable of defending herself against other characters in our thriller. Similarly to this, Thomas has a broad, athletic build as well as being very tall. This makes him appear intimidating whilst also making it believable that the would be able to beat our protagonist in a fight.
Our female controller was portrayed by Isabel Hurren, although she has no acting experience the role was very small and simplistic, making it inconsequential. Despite having no experience she fits the physical requirements of the role.
It's a good idea to use people who have experience of acting... also well done for using older actors rather than just other students from our class.